Source code for wheezy.core.httpclient

from http.client import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection
from http.cookies import SimpleCookie
from json import loads as json_loads
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urljoin, urlsplit

from wheezy.core.collections import attrdict, defaultdict
from wheezy.core.gzip import decompress

[docs]class HTTPClient(object): """HTTP client sends HTTP requests to server in order to accomplish an application specific use cases, e.g. remote web server API, etc. """ def __init__(self, url, headers=None): """ `url` - a base url for interaction with remote server. `headers` - a dictionary of headers. """ scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url) http_class = scheme == "http" and HTTPConnection or HTTPSConnection self.connection = http_class(netloc) self.default_headers = { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip", "Connection": "close", } if headers: self.default_headers.update(headers) self.path = path self.method = None self.headers = None self.cookies = {} self.etags = {} self.status_code = 0 self.body = None self.__content = None self.__json = None @property def content(self): """Returns a content of the response.""" if self.__content is None: self.__content = self.body.decode("utf-8") return self.__content @property def json(self): """Returns a json response.""" if self.__json is None: assert "application/json" in self.headers["content-type"][0] self.__json = json_loads(self.content, object_hook=attrdict) return self.__json
[docs] def get(self, path, **kwargs): """Sends GET HTTP request.""" return self.go(path, "GET", **kwargs)
[docs] def ajax_get(self, path, **kwargs): """Sends GET HTTP AJAX request.""" return self.ajax_go(path, "GET", **kwargs)
[docs] def head(self, path, **kwargs): """Sends HEAD HTTP request.""" return self.go(path, "HEAD", **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, path, **kwargs): """Sends POST HTTP request.""" return self.go(path, "POST", **kwargs)
[docs] def ajax_post(self, path, **kwargs): """Sends POST HTTP AJAX request.""" return self.ajax_go(path, "POST", **kwargs)
[docs] def follow(self): """Follows HTTP redirect (e.g. status code 302).""" sc = self.status_code assert sc in [207, 301, 302, 303, 307] location = self.headers["location"][0] scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(location) method = sc == 307 and self.method or "GET" return self.go(path, method)
[docs] def ajax_go( self, path=None, method="GET", params=None, headers=None, content_type="", body="", ): """Sends HTTP AJAX request to web server.""" headers = headers or {} headers["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest" return self.go(path, method, params, headers, content_type, body)
[docs] def go( self, path=None, method="GET", params=None, headers=None, content_type="", body="", ): """Sends HTTP request to web server. The ``content_type`` takes priority over ``params`` to use ``body``. The ``body`` can be a string or file like object. """ self.method = method headers = ( headers and dict(self.default_headers, **headers) or dict(self.default_headers) ) if self.cookies: headers["Cookie"] = "; ".join( "%s=%s" % cookie for cookie in self.cookies.items() ) path = urljoin(self.path, path) if path in self.etags: headers["If-None-Match"] = self.etags[path] if content_type: headers["Content-Type"] = content_type elif params: if method == "GET": path += "?" + urlencode(params, doseq=True) else: body = urlencode(params, doseq=True) headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" self.status_code = 0 self.body = None self.__content = None self.__json = None self.connection.connect() self.connection.request(method, path, body, headers) r = self.connection.getresponse() self.body = self.connection.close() self.status_code = r.status self.headers = defaultdict(list) for name, value in r.getheaders(): self.headers[name].append(value) self.process_content_encoding() self.process_etag(path) self.process_cookies() return self.status_code
# region: internal details def process_content_encoding(self): if ( "content-encoding" in self.headers and "gzip" in self.headers["content-encoding"] ): self.body = decompress(self.body) def process_etag(self, path): if "etag" in self.headers: self.etags[path] = self.headers["etag"][-1] def process_cookies(self): if "set-cookie" in self.headers: for cookie_string in self.headers["set-cookie"]: cookies = SimpleCookie(cookie_string) for name in cookies: value = cookies[name].value if value: self.cookies[name] = value elif name in self.cookies: del self.cookies[name]